by admin | Feb 24, 2020 | Projects with Corkwood braids and tubular yarns
We have made a short video below showing you how you can use Tape yarns to give a really great finish for raw cut knitted fabrics and felts. This is simple to do with any sewing machine and because the tape has a natural knitted stretch, this allows you to trim...
by Maggie | Feb 23, 2020 | Make digital sewing patterns
Introduction to making digital sewing patterns with Inkscape We have been trying out free and open source software, Inkscape to create our own digital sewing patterns. This is the first two in a set of videos that will be showing you how to use Inkscape to develop...
by Maggie | Feb 23, 2020 | Make digital sewing patterns
Digital sewing basic block patterns and slopers from PatternLab London It was PatternLab London that sparked my original interest in digital sewing patterns. I came across it a few years ago on the web in a random search and at that point it was still in testing mode....